Friday, July 23, 2010

KG's Hummus

OK there are lots of good hummus recipes out there but several people have asked, so here's mine. First off, you will notice there is no garlic. Raw garlic and I do not get along so I don't put any in and I'm happy that way. Roasted garlic would be nice but I rarely have any laying around so... Feel free to added a clove or two of crushed garlic if you like.


1 540 ml (19 oz) can of chick peas, drained, save some liquid
1-2 T of tahini (in a pinch you can also use peanut butter but it's better with tahini)
Juice of 1 lemon
1/2- 1 tsp cumin (to taste)
Salt (and pepper if desired)
(Most recipes call for olive oil but I don't use any and don't miss it.)


Dump chick peas, tahini, lemon juice, cumin, and S&P into food processor. Add 1-2 T of reserved liquid. Process until smooth, adding more liquid if needed.

Can be eaten with pita, raw veggies, or my favourite, a spoon.

Store in fridge if you don't eat the whole thing at one sitting. :)

If you want to use dry chickpeas, COOK THEM FIRST! (Right Gordon? ;)

Quite a few calories, but I figure they're good ones.